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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Episode 5: Q & A

In today's podcast, I've answered questions sent by Trudy, a fellow blogger. I hope the Q & A will help other bloggers--and I invite you to leave your own input in the comments section!

I apologize for the audio quality--Zoodle was at times hitting the computer, and you'll hear some loud noises due to that....


C. Beth said...

Thank you, Trudy, for asking these questions! You can visit Trudy's blog (and leave her COMMENTS!) :) at http://trudystreasures-2cats.blogspot.com.

caryn said...

Great answers and advice, I have yet to start a blog but hopefully soon I will!

caryn said...

Ha, Ha ~ After I posted above I read the post you made after I commented how much I like your blog on the "Mom's who blog" post over on BBC. Hopefully soon I will pull it together and start my blog!

ACitizenOfThisWorld said...

Not that I am a successful blogger myself, but you may want to look for blogs whose posts you like and leave comments there. This way there is a good chance they will come back to your blog and read your posts and who knows, maybe put a comment there too. And if your posts are their type, they may even follow your blog. But of course if they are as famous and busy and popular as C.Beth you may not want to get your hopes up too high!! :D

C. Beth said...

Caryn--Ha! I hope you do start one--let me know when you do!

ACitizen--I think that is great advice! That's how I've found some of the blogs I regularly read. Unfortunately, my list of "blogs I read" has become long enough that I rarely add more to it. But your advice is excellent!

Fannyfanackapan said...

This was so useful, thanks! I now have Statcounter set up and it was really easy. Just need to do some serious blogging now!